Design the user experience and interface of an on-demand platform that connects users with independent service providers to help them with everyday tasks, in areas like beauty treatments, home repairs, vehicle maintenance, and pet grooming.

The user should be able to request the service they need after browsing the available categories, and then see a list of providers who meet that criteria. They'll also be able to send messages directly to those providers so they can get more information about booking an appointment or making an appointment at a later time if needed. The project's scope includes the creation of two apps: one for those hiring the services, and another for the services providers.


Product Designer

Art Director


  • Visual Design
  • Information Architecture
  • User Flows
  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • Naming
  • Brand guidelines
  • Logo design
  • Visual identity
  • Style guidelines

In this project, I was tasked with developing the user experience for a new service that would connect users with providers of a specific type of service. After conducting some interviews and research, I learned that the main pain point of the users was finding providers that were reputable, trustworthy, and able to provide quality services. On the other hand, the providers wanted to be able to offer their services in an efficient way without having to deal with all the administrative tasks that come with running a business.

I worked with the teams to develop a product vision board that helped us better understand our users and their needs, both the user requesting the services and the providers. This allowed us to determine the necessary features of the product that would satisfy those needs and solve their main pain points.

I then mapped out some user stories and tasks, prioritized them based on how useful they would be for solving the problems of our users, and created an MVP version of the product that incorporated these features.

Next, I created some low-fidelity wireframes and created prototypes to simulate the user flows, so that we could test these ideas with users to find out how they will interact with each feature. After receiving feedback from users during this process, we were able to iterate on our designs before creating new high-fidelity prototypes for another round of user interviews and presentations for stakeholders.

In addition to that, I designed an admin dashboard that would allow company employees to perform various tasks such as approving new users, managing service rates, enabling or disabling the services available, as well as monitoring user activity in real time on both apps.

I also created the brand guidelines and naming proposal for the product: Polo (which comes from the game where a person, who is “It," tries to find other people. "It” shouts “Marco.” The others shout “Polo.”). These guidelines included logo creation, color scheme selection, and typography choices; as well as visual identity guidelines for different marketing materials—all while keeping in mind how each element would help improve the user experience when interacting with the product.