Design a branding strategy and website for a freelance agency in Venezuela specializing in web and mobile development, as well as design. The brand must convey their expertise and knowledge of the industries they work in, but also reflect their innovative approach to business.

The website needs to communicate the service offerings and brand philosophy in a way that attracts potential clients with innovative projects, as well as recruits freelance professionals who are interested in working as collaborators. The site should be responsive, use high-quality images and video, and present a clean UI. It should feature a portfolio of previous work that showcases the agency's capabilities in different fields of design and technology.


Art Director


  • Web design
  • Art direction
  • User experience
  • Content writing
  • Naming
  • Brand strategy
  • Brand guidelines
  • Logo concept & design
  • Visual identity
  • Style guidelines

For this project, my team and I conducted extensive research on the current market by studying competitors' websites and analyzing their marketing strategies. This also included creating buyer persona profiles to better understand the needs of their target audience.

Based on these findings, we created a brand concept that would resonate with their target audience: a creative and technological team that takes care of creating, developing, and enhancing the digital experience. This is reflected in their new logo design which uses bright colors that evoke confidence and trustworthiness while also conveying professionalism through its simplicity.

The "Ö" in GöK (which means "sky" in Turkish) was distorted in some applications to give the brand a playful personality that matches perfectly with its goal: to bring great ideas to life through technology and innovation.

After creating the branding strategy for GöK Agency, I worked together with my team to develop the content and information architecture of the website they required. I also designed its UI and the icons/graphics used to represent the company's services on the website, as well as animations and interactions that were later implemented.