Design the user interface for a mobile app that would allow users to buy, sell and rent cars, as well as make it easier for car owners to have access to car services relevant to their needs and current location, creating a better experience around the hiring process.

The app should connect drivers with cars that match their preferences, while they are also able to get all the services they need, like cleaning, detailing, oil changes, and even repairs.


UI Designer


  • User Flows
  • Wireframes
  • Prototype
  • Visual design

As a part of the team working on FETGO, I was responsible for the user interface design.

I started by outlining the main user flows through low-fidelity wireframes that would serve as the foundation for the early prototypes. These wireframes were also created to represent the content on each screen. I also created a final prototype in InVision that simulates the interactions and screen-by-screen flow in very high fidelity to the final UI design.

This user interface was designed with simplicity in mind; it has been optimized for mobile devices so that users can easily access all of its features from any location on their phone or tablet device.