Design the user experience and interface of a virtual wallet that helps people send and receive payments, and pay for goods and services at local stores, without having to worry about bank transfers or cash.

Users should be able to pay for things directly from their phone, without needing any cash or cards on hand. Users can store several credit cards in their profile, and link the app with their bank account. This project involves the design of a mobile app and a web version for easy access across multiple devices, along with two administrative dashboards.


Product Designer


  • Visual Design
  • Information Architecture
  • User Flows
  • Wireframes
  • Prototypes
  • Naming
  • Logo design
  • Visual identity
  • Style guidelines

In this project, I worked closely with the founders and engineers to create user stories that would help us define our product strategy and user interface. The main goal was to make sure we were meeting our users' needs by making it easy for them to understand how their finances are being managed through the app.

As the Product Designer, I took into consideration the user needs identified in the market, in combination with the business needs and requirements, in order to map out the user stories.

After confirming the key user flows, I created low-fidelity wireframes and prototypes that simulated the screen-to-screen flow. Once these were confirmed, I designed the visual elements of the interface and created new high-fidelity prototypes to gather feedback from users and stakeholders.

Additionally, I created a web version of the product, available for both desktop and mobile, along with two admin dashboards: The first one, for internal use by the company to manage payments and visualize the status of all transactions. The second dashboard was designed for merchants to manage their account and view statistics about their orders, in addition to facilitating the communication between them and the company.

I also designed a logo proposal for the brand, as well as a name proposal for it: Keepay. The logo has been designed with a focus on simplicity and reliability, so that it can be easily recognized by users who are not familiar with financial apps or platforms.